
Classic Steele: Mark's Lecture on Power Engineering

A blast from the Mind of Steele archives. Who could forget the time that Mark Steele gave a lecture on the complexities of power systems engineering - a subject he knows nothing about.

Thanks for subscribing Substackers. In a cynical attempt to find content for this new channel, I’m delving through some of my favourite old episodes of this show.

This is the one where Mark Steele gives a lecture on power systems engineering and nuclear safety engineering. It’s obvious to anybody watching (but strangely, none of the actual participants) that Mark Steele has no idea what he’s talking about. The great thing about Steele is that total ignorance has never been a barrier to him assuming the mantle of expertise. As he always says - he’s an expert, very very expert.

Even though this episode is from less than a year ago, you will note that everything is way more rough and ready than my later productions:

This was Episode 3 of my show: There’s no plaid shirt. The microphone is clipped in a slovenly manner. The framing is terrible, and my hair is even more unkempt than normal. And you can see the final remnant of a youthful glow on my face. Clearly, this man still thought he could produce two shows per week for YouTube and not face massive sleep deprivation. Such naiviate.

But what shines through is the sheer insanity of Mark Steele. Watch and please share your comments.